Friday, December 15, 2006

Midpoint Conference

....which is where I have been. In Nagpur. At a beautiful, ashram type jugga called Anandwan. Check it out. Pictures will happen one day.

Right now I am sitting at the Nagpur train station, catching up on email backlog, and writing a blog because actually replying back to everyone will take too long. Our train just got delayed by 2 hours which makes me grind my teeth in suppressed rage. Okay, not really. But I am quite irritable at the moment.

Anandwan was really nice. I wasn't really ready for a "midpoint" conference a third way through the fellowship, but it ended up being exactly what I needed. My eyes are itchy. And I crave for greedy, disgusting amounts of hot water poured on me. But my immediate wants disappear into my thoughts with my ipod crooning into my ear as I watch India out my train window--sprawled and grand like some spoiled goddess--deceptively vast and empty.

Has any one of you ever played "Mafia"? I learned it this week, and it's a spectacular game, which we must play when we next meet:)