I ain't no Gotcha Player

I became mildly obssessed with Doonesbury in high school. I would check out these big, thick comic books from the library and pour over them for hours, chuckling to myself. I love Doonesbury. Not to be found in the regular comic strip page, you have to flip over to the Style section of the Post, to read it. An oasis all on its own. And it has only gotten better over the years. Sharper, wry-ier with just the right flair of the absurd.
So the other day when I saw this, instead of the regularly-scheduled programming, I felt understandably jipped. A series of panels with names of the dead in the Iraq War. The disappointment that my daily doonesbury dose had been robbed of me inspired me to implore.
Just Say No, Garry Trudeau! I implore you! You are a pulitzer-prize winning cartoonist, for the love of goodness' sake. Why must you resort to sickishly maudlin "statements" that are manipulative and ultimately utterly meaningless. You are smarter than this!
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