Chup Chup Ke: Lessons Learned

Chup Chup Ke Pointers:
1. Pretending to be mute/deaf is an excellent way to get out of debt and break up with clingy, commitment-crazed girlfriends.
2. For entertainment, the upper-class employs well-oiled, muscular men who wrestle each other in the living room.
3. People can be mortaged. Especially if they are deaf/mute and don't have rights and stuff.
4. Enraged, psychotic screaming plus weeping is an excellent form of communication.
5. Pretending to be deaf/mute has consequences? Pish Posh.
6. Mute folks are practically non-exsistent in India. This is why they are greeted with gasps and sobs. Especially if they are pretty.
and you really watched this film? Is it bad judgement or masochism? Or is it your idea of fun? any way, this seems to be offensive to disabled people...
hehe; yes I did watch it, in a big $1 film theater. It was actually fun:) The music is great in this movie, and Shahid Kapoor(sp?) is kinda hot. So basically I spent much of the film wishing they would break out in song and dance again :)
So basically I spent much of the film wishing they would break out in song and dance again
stop overanalyzing! you sound like bitter old grandma complaining 24/7. relax woman!
what the hell are u talking about, weirdo?
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